How to Create Mental Visions in Leadership

An American Lady was once asked what she considered to be worse than being born blind. She quickly replied, “To have sight and no mental vision”. It is sad to say many leaders in various sectors of the society have no vision. It is even sadder when the man that God has called to be a pastor, President of a country, Governor of a state, chairman of an organization or managing director of a company has no vision about what need to be done to improve the lives of his people. What is vision anyway? You must have come across many definitions of vision. However, vision is not what we want to accomplish in life; vision is the understanding of what God wants to accomplish through us for the benefit of other people; vision is the ability to see what God wants to do through us to improve the condition of the society and the lives of the people we are leading. Vision has a lot to do with our obedience to the will of God etc. Get a copy of this Book, Titled: “Principles of True Leadership;” through this web link>


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Written by Noah Adetilewa
Noah Adekunle Adetilewa is an ordained Baptist Minister of the Gospel. He is a Church planting & Leadership Trainer, and a Mind control Instructor. Noah Adetilewa is the Itinerant Missionary for Praise of His Glory Ministry in Nigeria; and he is also the Missionary in charge of a home mission field, called: “God’s Love Mission Odoshenlu”, in Ogun State of Nigeria. Noah A. Adetilewa is the Author of Noah Articles published on Noah Adetilewa is also the Author/Publisher of the following books: (1) Principles of True Leadership (2) You and Your Health Manual (3) Paradise on Earth (4) The Mysterious Wisdom of God (5) Lisa, the Stream goddess (6) Natural Powers for Creating Wealth and Happiness (7) Twelve Keys to Success. (8) Magnetic Powers of the Mind (9) Twist of Fate. (10) Yoke of Lust. All these books are available on Noah Kay online Book store through this link> Read his arresting articles on Natural Health and Mental Growth on his blog>
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