Pawpaw is another fruit known for nutritional and medicinal value. When the fresh leaves of pawpaw, lemon grass and guava are cooked, it can be used in the treatment of malaria. The Milky secretion of raw pawpaw leaves expels worms like tape worm from the digestive track. *For the Treatment of liver diseases: Eating the black seed of pawpaw is good in the treatment of liver related diseases. It helps to detoxify the liver. Eating of pawpaw fruit is highly recommended for cases of hepatitis. To Correct stomach and intestinal disorder: Chewing a mouthful of the fresh green leaves of pawpaw once a day corrects habitual bleeding, piles and chronic diarrhea. Paste of pawpaw seed is applicable for treating skin trouble like ringworm etc. Get a copy of this Book, Titled: You and Your Health Manual.” Get the complete book through this link>
Tags: Fruits for Wellness
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Written by Noah Adetilewa
Noah Adekunle Adetilewa is an ordained Baptist Minister of the Gospel. He is a Church planting & Leadership Trainer, and a Mind control Instructor. Noah Adetilewa is the Itinerant Missionary for Praise of His Glory Ministry in Nigeria; and he is also the Missionary in charge of a home mission field, called: “God’s Love Mission Odoshenlu”, in Ogun State of Nigeria. Noah A. Adetilewa is the Author of Noah Articles published on Noah Adetilewa is also the Author/Publisher of the following books: (1) Principles of True Leadership (2) You and Your Health Manual (3) Paradise on Earth (4) The Mysterious Wisdom of God (5) Lisa, the Stream goddess (6) Natural Powers for Creating Wealth and Happiness (7) Twelve Keys to Success. (8) Magnetic Powers of the Mind (9) Twist of Fate. (10) Yoke of Lust. All these books are available on Noah Kay online Book store through this link>
Read his arresting articles on Natural Health and Mental Growth on his blog>
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