Health Benefits of Onion-Juice

Onion is part of the fruit vegetable, it contains carotene, fiber, fats, vitamin C Niacin, Vitamin B and B2 Phosphorus etc. it prevents and cures the following ailments: * Onions is useful for the treatment of wounds, acne, and skin wrinkles. * Onions is a powerful antiseptic: The fresh onion juice is antibacterial and choleric. * It purifies the blood: It makes the blood more fluid and easy flowing. It prevents high blood pressure and arthritis. * It corrects respiratory disorder: Equal amount of honey and onion juice should be mixed to form syrup 2-3 spoonful daily for treatment of cough, asthma and other respiratory disorders. * For the treatment of sexual impotence: Onion strengthens the reproductive organs. The white variety of onions is however more useful for this purpose. * For the treatment of eye diseases: Onion prevents heart disease and also reduces the cholesterol level * Note: Eating raw onions and drinking raw onion juice is better for optimal health benefit etc. Get the complete book, titled: “You and Your Health Manual,” through this web link>


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Written by Noah Adetilewa
Noah Adekunle Adetilewa is an ordained Baptist Minister of the Gospel. He is a Church planting & Leadership Trainer, and a Mind control Instructor. Noah Adetilewa is the Itinerant Missionary for Praise of His Glory Ministry in Nigeria; and he is also the Missionary in charge of a home mission field, called: “God’s Love Mission Odoshenlu”, in Ogun State of Nigeria. Noah A. Adetilewa is the Author of Noah Articles published on Noah Adetilewa is also the Author/Publisher of the following books: (1) Principles of True Leadership (2) You and Your Health Manual (3) Paradise on Earth (4) The Mysterious Wisdom of God (5) Lisa, the Stream goddess (6) Natural Powers for Creating Wealth and Happiness (7) Twelve Keys to Success. (8) Magnetic Powers of the Mind (9) Twist of Fate. (10) Yoke of Lust. All these books are available on Noah Kay online Book store through this link> Read his arresting articles on Natural Health and Mental Growth on his blog>
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